Geography Bee

photo (7)Oakton Elementary held its annual Geography Bee Final on January 10, 2013. This nationwide contest is sponsored by the National Geographic Society which provides questions (and answers) dealing with cultural and physical regions of the world and physical phenomena. We’re proud of all of our student finalists who actively participated in this challenging competition: 4th: Wesley Kron, 5th: Andrew Stelts, Benjamin Abrahams, Matthew Hartzell, Noah Walker, 6th: Jason Dickson, Eleanor Newman, Devon Fink, Bobby Seal, Felipe Fonseca, and Alternate: Chris Bjornstad.

Our School Geography Bee had many difficult questions in several rounds before Felipe (on right) won with Bobby (center) as runner-up. The next level of the competition involves Felipe taking a written examination that will be submitted to the National Geographic Society which determines the finalists for the state and national bees. Thank you to Ms. Mulcahy (5th grade teacher) and the Geography Committee for organizing this event! -cgphoto (9) photo (8)

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January 14, 2013 · 11:03 am

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